Archive for June, 2008



June 25, 2008

So, I havent blogged in a while. Ok, a long time. But hey, you cant blame me! Im staying in Miami most of the time & as you all very well know, its not actually what you would call, ‘civilized’ out there. I’ve been busy with schoolwork too. Well, not that busy. But I bet I will be a few months from now. Oh, well. That’s college.

Ive made great new friends with a few people from the dorm & a few from the ones I hang out with around the halls. Its fun getting to know other people. It’s like being in Kindergarten all over again, only that we have cellphones for toys and cards for entertainment. I’ve made a few guys friends. None of them I would ever want to be with. They’re cool guys, just not my type. I also have one gay friend. HAHA.

I have this teacher who’s a total ass. Egotistic nerd. He’s always the right one, always the best. I might have to debate with him one of these days and believe me, I will not back down. He says that he’ll be surprised if somebody beat him in a debate. MY DAD COULD TAKE HIM DOWN IN SECONDS. HAH.

Oh, about the calamity that hit Iloilo. Well, I didn’t know much about the actual height of the flood and the magnitude of things because I was stuck there in Miami along with 30 other people in the dorm. Good thing ouR iloilo friends were there too. Kizia (a long time AC friend) & I were going crazy inside the dorm. Only form of entertainment? Ourselves. Ghampang nlg kmi panaguay kg bahay-kubo. Schnit.

I was really scared for my family and friends back in iloilo. I was dying to go home. I didnt know what was happening except for the text messages my mom & dad supplied me with. Still, they cant call me up. I had only one bar left & I feared that my phone would die out. I relied on a guy friend who kept Texting me reports. He braved the storm & went home last Saturday afternoon.  I never realized the intensity of what was happening until I went home last Sunday morning. It was a disaster. We were fortunate enough to not get hit so badly. Others were satying at their rooftops. It was like an ocean from above. Sad sight to see. Aklan and Capiz were badly hit too. We contacted them & were relieved to know they’re okay. Prayer was our only weapon. Good thing it’s over now. We should try to save what’s left of out city.

Oh, well. SHIT HAPPENS. 



June 18, 2008

Im at home right now.

Well, after the first week of college in UP Miag-ao, I have come to a conclusion.

UP IS SUCH A GREAT & AWESOME SCHOOL! Well, thwe workload is not like what we used to have in AC but dorm life makes it easier to bear. I have met new friends, hung out with different people & experienced different stuff! Its like when you’re in UP, you are in a whole new world. Different culture, different rules. Its a good kind of different though. I eat at carenderias almost everyday. There are a lot of them surrounding our dorms. Its like living in a different country. Tricycles are the only way of transpo around the university. Its okay though, I dont mind it.

As for the academic stuff, I only have one TERROR teacher that likes to kick people out of his class if one cannot answer his questions & he talks about strange stuff that, in my opinion, is very biased. Oh, well. Just a semester of him & it’ll be all good again.

I have to go and study. Yeeh, kolehiyala na gd ku. GA STUDY NA KU!!! :)))

toodles & till next time,



Stick a pin in it

June 5, 2008


College in UP is popping into my head again. Kindda happens every hour or so. It just enters my mind & my palms start to get all sweaty & my heart beats like an insane drum having a life of its own.  Sometimes, my imagination runs wild. A part of me is secretly hoping that UP gets burned down or gets infilrated by millions of cockroaches and will have to close for a year or two.

Maybe it’s because I don’t want to go to school yet. I don’t want college life to start- no units, no daily pop quizzes no evil professors. All of those things are freaking me out. College professors are sadistic vampires yearning for college student blood. Boy, will they enjoy my blood. I’ve got a whole lot of  SCARED flowing through my veins right now. My palms are getting sweaty just writing this stuff.

My dad says I need to do good on my grades so that I can get to Diliman. Man, I am sooo feeling the pressure now. Well, I want to go to Diliman too. After visiting it last time I was in Manila, I instantly fell in love with the place. But to get there would be fuggin’ hard. I cant help thinking. Maybe I’m not good enough for Diliman? What if UP Miag-ao’s the end of the line for me? Geez.

I’m sorry Im being so pessimistic here. Wouldn’t hurt if I lok at both sides of reality. But ten again, I know I have to stay positive. If I believe I can do it, I CAN AND WILL DO IT! I must work the ball.. BE THE BALL! oh, crappp.

4 DAYS TILL SCHOOL. The first day of the rest of my life. hooooboy.